Aftercare Tips

Congratulations! You made it through your tattooing session! The journey’s not over yet, though, and the next few weeks are vital to how your tattoo will look for the rest of your life. Here are some instructions to help you get the best possible healing results.


Your artist will have given you a timeframe that you should leave the bandage or wrap on your tattoo. Once that time has passed, it’s time to remove the dressing and wash up! If your artist used a Sani-Derm bandage on your tattoo, leave it on for three to five days. Carefully peel off the film after the time span recommended by your artist, and proceed with the same directions.

  • WASH YOUR HANDS FIRST! Your tattoo is an open wound, and you should treat it with the same care that you would any other injury that significantly damages your skin.

  • Gently remove the tape and plastic wrap. It shouldn’t stick, but if it does, run lukewarm water over the tattoo and dressing until it’s loosened enough to pull away without resistance.

  • Carefully wet the tattoo with warm (NOT HOT!) water. Use your clean hands, not a washcloth or towel. Chances are, it’s a gross, gooey mess of blood, ink, lymph, and plasma. It’s important to clean all of this off, as the plasma will harden and cause excessive scabbing on your tattoo, which might complicate the healing process.

  • Lather up a small amount of alcohol-free, fragrance-free antibacterial soap in your hands and gently rub it onto the tattoo. Your skin is going to be raw and sensitive, but it’s important to make sure you get all of the crusty, weepy nastiness washed off. Be gentle, but be thorough. Check the ingredients on your soap--fragrances and alcohol can burn and dry out your skin. If there are stubborn dried-on bits left after gently scrubbing with your fingers, leave them be--they’ll come off later.

  • Rinse thoroughly! Again, use lukewarm water, as hot water might open your pores up too much and cause some ink to fall out.

  • Dry your tattoo. Either let it air-dry, or gently pat it (don’t rub!) with a paper towel. DO NOT use a fabric towel or washcloth, as they might stick to it, and because they may be harboring bacteria, even if they’re “fresh.” Your tattoo should be fully dry in 5-10 minutes.

  • Apply a thin layer of aftercare ointment. We personally love Redemption brand, but other brands of lightweight general skincare can be effective. Check the ingredients. DO NOT use anything with fragrances, alcohol, or petroleum products. Your skin needs to breathe, so don’t oversaturate it with ointment or lotion!

  • Make sure your bedding is clean throughout the healing process. You might want to use old/cheap bedsheets during this time, as your tattoo may weep ink and blood for a few days. If you wake up stuck to your sheets, don’t rip them off! Soak them with lukewarm water until they separate from your skin easily. Take them into the shower with you if need be.

The Next Few Days

  • Keep your tattoo clean.

  • Reapply ointment/lotion as needed to keep the skin moist, but not suffocated.

  • Don’t wear tight-fitting clothing over the healing tattoo.

  • Don’t put any bandage over the tattoo--remember, it needs to breathe.

  • DO NOT go into any bodies of water! No pools, no ponds, no lakes, not the ocean. You will get flesh-eating bacteria and die. Seriously. It happened to a guy down in Florida.

  • Avoid long, hot showers and steam rooms. Having open pores means more ink can leak out.

  • Avoid heavy exercise. Your pores open up when you sweat. And gyms are disgusting and full of bacteria.

  • STAY OUT OF THE SUN! Sun exposure is an absolute tattoo-killer. Even after it’s healed, make sure you protect it from UV radiation with sunscreen or clothing.

The Scabfest



  • DO NOT SCRATCH YOUR ITCHY TATTOO. Instead, try slapping it. You can also cool it with water or ice, or take a quick shower. And, of course, you can find some other activity to try and distract yourself. If you’re concerned about scratching it in your sleep, trim your fingernails or wear gloves. Even if your significant other or roommates think you’re a weirdo with your bedtime gloves, it’s worth it for a perfectly-healed tattoo.


The First Day of the Rest of Your Life

  • Wear sunscreen.

  • Take care of your skin. Exfoliate and moisturize.

  • Wear sunscreen.

  • Drink plenty of fluids. Water is the best, of course, but pretty much anything you drink counts towards your water intake. The exception is alcohol, of course. Go easy on the booze.

  • Wear sunscreen.

  • Try to avoid rapid changes in weight and mass. If you get Swole As Heck or Skinny as Heck after being tattooed, your skin is going to stretch or sag to accomodate, and so is your tattoo.


If you have any other questions, or something comes up, please get in touch! We’re here to help!

Visit for more extensive tips. And enjoy your new tattoo!